Welcome to my new blog. People keep asking me why I’m so devoted to my BlackBerry (both the Bold 9900 and my 64gb Playbook) so I’m starting this blog to try and explain. It’s not just that I live in the Kitchener-Waterloo area and have had more exposure to the BlackBerry brand. My dad has had a succession of BlackBerries, starting with the “Brick berry” going through the pearl (he was not a fan, nor was I) and after seeing my Bold 9900, he decided he needed the latest and greatest BlackBerry too. I didn’t make my choice of phone lightly. In the spirit of full disclosure I will say that I got my BlackBerry Bold 9900 free after winning a BlackBerry sponsored contest on Twitter. Even so, if it wasn’t the right phone for me, I would have sold it and found something else. I want a smart phone that is actually smart. I don’t play many games (except cribbage and word mole – they’re surprisingly addictive) on my phone. I use my phone to talk to people. Whether it’s by BlackBerry Messenger (BBM), Text messages, Twitter, Facebook, or e-mail, my BlackBerry never lets me down. I love the fact that it has a keyboard and a touchscreen – I can type much faster on the keyboard than I ever could on my IPhone, and I still get the fun of a touchscreen to flip between pictures quickly. It’s the best of both worlds. Oh, and the camera rocks. I also found a skin on Etsy that made my BlackBerrry into a TARDIS from Doctor Who. Yes, I geeked out my BlackBerry Bold. I’m a real person and I need a smartphone that allows me to communicate effectively. For me, that’s my Bold 9900.
Great blog. Thanks for reminding me about Blackberry Protect. Blackberry Traffic has saved me numerous times from being stuck in traffic and allowed me to get to my destination on time. Only drawback is I wish you could enter a business name and city and it would provide you with a list of possible sites (such as Google Maps mobile search). I find that you have to have the exact address (and in some cases also the postal code) for it to find the location.