My last #JennDoesTheCapital post was predominantly about the beer – and though I enjoyed quite a few very nice beers over the course of my trip, they weren’t the focus of the next few days. After my exciting trip into the city, and the Beer Clock with dinner, I was ready for bed. Driving is exhausting – especially when it’s raining and there are trees trying to play whack-a-mole with your car. Plus I had an early morning ahead of me and a full day of activities planned so after packing my bag for the day, putting my camera battery on charge, and choosing an outfit (the less time I needed to spend in the morning the better), I hit the hay.
Word Wednesday – Decaf edition
All my life I’ve been a tea drinker. There are pictures of me with tea in my bottle (thanks grandma!) and with my British heritage, not drinking tea wasn’t an option. I came to coffee very late in the game. I was well into my 30s before I could stand the taste of non-specialty coffee. You know, the kind without all the artificial flavours and sweeteners that costs an arm and a leg and has half of your daily calories in a venti? Yeah those didn’t count in my “I don’t drink coffee” phase. Now, I quite enjoy a nice cup of coffee with milk and a very small amount of sugar with my breakfast. Until Wednesday that is. I’d brewed a pot of coffee, and gone to my “office” (currently the couch in the family room in the morning because the dog likes to snuggle beside me and I quite enjoy that) when I caught whiff of the unmistakable aroma of burning plastic. The coffee maker had set itself on fire. The torrential deluge we experienced was good for something as I took out the carafe and put the whole thing outside on the porch, then dropped it into the bin once it was well and truly out. I should mention that the fire was contained inside the machine at the time.