BlackBerry Protect is one of the most useful tools available from BlackBerry app world. Not only is BlackBerry Protect a convenient way to backup your data wirelessly (for those times when getting to a computer and backing up data the old fashioned way just isn’t convenient) but if your BlackBerry is lost or stolen, BlackBerry Protect can help you find it.
BlackBerry Protect is not a substitution for backing up your data regularly, but it does mean that if something happens to your BlackBerry, your contacts. memos, text messages, calendar entries, browser bookmarks, password keeper entries and wi-fi profiles can be restored, either to the same device or to a new one.
If you lose your BlackBerry, or it is stolen, BlackBerry Protect can help you find it by showing you the location, making the device emit a noise, or display a custom message on the homescreen. Furthermore if the device is stolen, you can lock the device, change the device password or delete all the data from the device. The only downside is that you can’t use BlackBerry Protect on a device that is associated with the BlackBerry Enterprise Server.
Pretty awesome eh? I’m sure you want to get BlackBerry Protect up and running as soon as possible on your BlackBerry. Here’s how to do it.
On BlackBerry 7 OS devices, BlackBerry Protect is already in your applications folder. If it isn’t there or if you’re not running a BB7 device, you can download it free from BlackBerry App world. Click on the BlackBerry Protect icon.
You will have to agree to the license terms, and enter your BlackBerry ID and follow the instructions on screen. Once you set up BlackBerry Protect, you will automatically do your first backup. After your first backup, when you go into the BlackeBerry Protect app, this is the screen you will see:
You can choose to only back up over wifi, or to be able to back up while roaming. You can also do a manual backup by clicking on the button at the lower left of the screen, or restore from backup using the middle button. The right button gives you access to the BlackBerry protect message centre.
If you press the BlackBerry button on this screen and select “Options” you can set up BlackBerry protect to suit your needs.
I suggest keeping the ‘Prevent Delete of BlackBerry Protect” on. The frequency of backups is really a matter of personal choice – as is what data you want to back up. I am somewhat paranoid so I back everything up daily.
At the bottom of the screen, you can choose if you want your device’s location to be viewable from the BlackBerry Protect website. I suggest keeping this box checked as well. Hopefully you will never need to use it but it’s good to know it’s available if needed.
BlackBerry Protect is one of the best kept secrets of the BlackBerry world – spread the news and help other members of Team BlackBerry protect themselves!
Hi Jenn
Worth noting that BB Protect can NOT be used on any BlackBerry that is connected to a BES (BlackBerry Enterprise Server) like if you have a “work BlackBerry”. In theory your BES administrator has the same functionality instead.