A number of people have been asking me to review apps for the BlackBerry 10. Gven that I am not currently in possession of a BlackBerry 10 device, I thought I’d write about what I know – some great free apps for the PlayBook.
The first app I want to discuss is the one I’m writing this review on – WordPress for PlayBook and BlackBerry10. I have posted a few blog posts from my Bold 9900 but until recently found the free WordPress clients for the PlayBook unappealing. Then, as I was searching for another app, I saw this one and thought ‘why not’. The app is just as functional as the website.
![PlayBook WordPress image](
You can manage multiple blogs, approve comments, track your statistics (which is scarily addictive!), edit old / saved posts, read blogs you subscribe to, add quick photos and videos, and, of course, write a new post. You. can write half a post, save it and come back later to finish it up. I love that it’s so easy to add pictures and screenshots right from my PlayBook. I write about my BlackBerry and PlayBook a lot so it makes sense to write on my BlackBerry and PlayBook.
The only feature that is missing when typing using the WordPress app is the awesome autocomplete feature of the PlayBook’s keyboard. I’m so used to the PlayBook finishing my words that I get annoyed when the feature doesn’t work in an app. I do like that I can manage multiple WordPress blogs from the app and that switching between them is one-touch easy.
What’s your favourite app for the PlayBook?
Your opening pun was a groaner, but I suppose it was “app-propriate.” Sorry about getting you addicted to your stats!
Great post, Jenn! Super excited about the BlackBerry 10 Launch! Can’t wait to use the apps!
Well, that is when I eventually get a BB10! LOL!